Success is something we all eager to embrace,however, it will not beachieved easily without pain. Learning is the best way to enrich ourselves andget ahead. In order to make our life more meaningful, it is never too late tolearn.
No matter what stage of life we are located in, to acquire knowledge isalways necessary for us. For instance, when we work as a tourist to visithistoric site, if we have prepared the information about the site, the travelingwill be attactive and in the natural atmosphere. In contrast, it will befade.
In short, age has no relationship with learn, the saying "it is never tolate to learn" will accompany with us all the life, and in turn the life is fillof fun.
Recently, more and more people are glad to study Chinese ancientcivilization, visiting famous old historic site is a part of the learning formany people think.
Tourism brings about not only happiness but also knowledge. There are threereasons for this phenomenon. At the time of satisfing people's need of eat, bothurban and rural have extra money to travel and enjoy their life. In addition,people who under huge pressure will relax theirselves by tourism. Finally,meeting new friends is an important purpose to improve the entertainment ofvisiting.
Although tourism urges the development of economic, several negativeproblems follow with, such as rubblish、destruction of environment and so on.Only when we do it from ourselves can solve the problem.
Hi, TigerMom ,
What puzzles you is actually a puzzle for many parents in China . My ideais that it is quite right for you to do so .
Although high grades are an important factor in evaluating students and fortheir future university admission , development in wisdom emotion ,health andlife attitude should never be ignored . There are many examples around us . Someall—A students in school have turned out not to be as successful in society asthey were expected. The reason is often that the pressure from their parentsallows them almost no time for other activities . Furthermore , punishment is byno means a wise choice to help them grow up mentally and physically .
So I suggest that you take your friends’ advice . More importantly, let herlive like a lovely girl ; let her have more friends and social activities ; andlet her make mistakes of her own as we teenagers often do .
May l0th Monday Cloudy
This afternoon my school held an English-speaking contest named"Challengingthe Future" in the multi-function classroom. The students who are excellent atEnglish took part in the contest. I just went there as an audience.
I got a lot from their speech. In their speech, I found all of them hadmade full use of the present time and conditions to prepare for the future andused the known factors to challenge the unknown ones. From this I realized thatwe shouldn't waste our time of today and shouldn't put today's work off totomorrow. Today is the base of tomorrow. I will no longer waste my present time.I am going to study hard and do good preparation for my future.
May l0th Monday Cloudy
This afternoon my school held an English-speaking contest in themulti-function classroom. The contest was named "Challenging the Future"I waspresent at the contest as an audience.
I learned a lot from their speech. They had different plans for the future.But as they challenged the future, they had something in common,that is, theyall made full use of the present. The present is the base of the future.
After the contest, I knew I needed a plan for my future as well. I mustgrasp my present time to realize my plan. I won't idle away the valuable timeany more. I'm determined to study hard and improve myself. I will prepare tochallenge my future.
