running on相关作文:Running on the playground_英语范文内容如下:
Today we had a PE lesson. The teacher ask us to run for 50 metres. I was very afraid when I listened to this. I thought I must be the last one of four people.
I waited for some minutes and I has already to have this race. But when I ran to the playground, I was very nervous. I felt my legs were unable to run.If this race is not an exam, I won't join the race.
However, the race would begin though I did not want it to begin. Against me were the student No.1, No.3, No.4. I thought I was the weakest of all. So I thought I could not get a good mark. "I'm the best, I'm the best! Come on!" Before the teacher asked us to run, I said to myself. The race has begun! I saw that the Mo.1 student was running much faster than others and I was sure she will be the winner. I looked around myself. I suddenly found that the student No.3 and the No.4 we're running behind me. That is, I was the second player on the playground! I was excited. I ran faster and faster. "Don't give up and I can be the second!" I had fire in my heart.
At last, the student No.1 got to the final line after her. I has gotten the second prize! It was the best prize of all my 50-metres running races. I was very proud of myself. Yeah, I did it! I has maden record!
After this race, I think we should not say "give up" when we have trouble in doing sth. We should try to do it if it has some hope yet. Because If we always give up sth, when we have some trouble on doing sth, we won't be successful in the future.
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