关于夏天的英语作文相关作文:描写夏天的英语作文——《Summer Full of Vigour(生机勃勃的夏天)》_英语范文内容如下:
【Summer Full of Vigour】
In this hot summer season, all things grow desperately, faster and faster...... The impatiens, bellis perennis, black soya bean, persimmon and chili in my sunny balcony I sowed in spring also grow quickly in summer.
Every day impatiens is easy to grow a few centimeters long; It's also "a piece of cake" for black beans; Persimmon seedlings bud; Daisy and chili “suck” the sunlight greedily, like naughty dolls, laughing and joking, they grow up!
In spring, when impatiens just sprouting, only grow one CM a day. In summer, the golden sun is baking the earth, as long as I don’t see it for one day, it will usually put forth a pair of small light green sprouts, after another day, leafgem will become slightly dark green, long and narrow leaves!
Look at the wild peach trees outside the window which just opened the pink flowers in spring, now, the wild green peaches have become the size of little bottle caps !
In summer, everything absorbs eagerly the energy of the sun, grows quickly at the same time. This is summer—flowers bloom like a piece of brocade, with luxuriant foliage, what a vibrant scene!
Summer is like my colorful life, and I am like a samll vibrant tree, growing happily!
关于夏天的英语作文内容来源于网络,剑花作文网仅作公益范文演示,版权归描写夏天的英语作文——《Summer Full of Vigour(生机勃勃的夏天)》_英语原作者所有,如有不妥,请联系站长删除处理
